Submit your awesome Neovim plugin!
Colorscheme written in Lua, specially made for roshnivim with Tree-sitter support.
Customizable colorscheme with excellent italic and bold support, dark and light variants. Made to work and look good with Tree-sitter.
A dark color scheme heavily inspired by the look of the Dark+ scheme of Visual Studio Code.
A Lua port of vim-code-dark colorscheme with vscode light and dark theme.
A Neovim theme that highly restores vscode, so that your friends will no longer be surprised that you use Neovim, because they will think you are using vscode.
Material.nvim is a highly configurable colorscheme written in Lua and based on the material palette.
Spiritual successor of `wbthomason/packer.nvim`.
Neovim package manager written in Lua.
Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs.
An alternative to packer.nvim. It was built to be even better and easier to use. Context can be found [here](
A modern plugin manager, featuring a graphical interface, async execution, a lockfile and more 💤.
A plugin installation system designed to complement `folke/lazy.nvim`.